Wednesday 18 November 2015

Into the Home Straight

With the best hosts in Kabwe
So far I have spent 170 days living the dream in Zambia and today it dropped down to single digits as the last 9 days began. The past few weeks, have at times felt a little frustratingly quiet, but end of year exams have meant many of the in-school programmes such as PE lessons, Girls in Action and sometimes sport specific sessions have died down. Originally this drop in activity worried me since I initially attributed it to the absence of the IDEALS programme but time has shown me this isn't the case and is simply the time of year in which we find ourselves. 

One big highlight over the past three or so weeks has been the opportunity to go on a little 'road trip' around Zambia. One of the key reasons I extended my stay was to gain a greater insight into the work Sport in Action do, especially that outside of IDEALS and particularly outside of Lusaka. Time spent in Kabwe, then subsequently Livingstone, Kalomo and Monze have allowed to me to not only work with the various Sport in Action teams in those provinces but has also given me a greater experience of Zambia as a country as a whole, not just the city of Lusaka. I've loved witnessing the differing ways each province operates, the challenges they face in terms of rurality and the differing programmes they provide for the local communities. 

Supporting the Tackle Africa Team 
In Kabwe I spent a day supporting my friends at Tackle Africa with a Level 0.5 refresher course before staying with Mary-Rose, the area coordinator, helping deliver PE and football for a couple of days. I loved seeing first-hand their emphasis on using sport as a tool with every single session including either a message incorporated within it, or discussion groups at the end. This has one again (not take I needed it) highlighted the crucial nature of sport within Zambia and how it truly can be used as a tool to educate, empower and inspire. Even better, Mary-Rose and her family hosted me in their home and I couldn't have wished for better hosts. I genuinely felt at home and would have loved to have had the chance to stay longer, especially having my new little friend Florence for company! Despite her disturbing nap time on a few occasions, I couldn't have wished for a better little buddy to spend my week with.

Following this I was fortunate enough to be able to
Umutima Family in Livingstone
experience Livingstone for the fourth time this summer and it's fair to say that place holds some incredible memories. Emily and Ella, two friends from the UK along with Lyson were heading to Livingstone for a little holiday and I joined them. It's a welcome break from life in Lusaka and for once I treated myself to a few days of doing nothing; despite seeing that place numerous times its beauty still captivates me and even now, and even with its lack of water, I stood there in awe and was blown away by its beauty. It will forever be one of my favourite places, and any chance offered to go there will be grabbed with both hands. If you have never been, I would highly highly recommend it and for me personally, going earlier in the year such as June would be best as the amount of water blows you away and takes your breath away, literally. 

My road trip then took me to Kalomo for the weekend where I supported Lucy and her team to deliver the finals of their Gender Based Violence Football Leagues, making a special appearance as ref during all four finals before heading to Monze to visit Frevy. In Monze I spent a few days shadowing their work and even had my first shot at being a Coach Educator, delivering a workshop on ‘Session Management’ for the local Peer Leaders. Each visit has not only highlighted the fantastic work Sport in Action do in using sport as a tool, but the dedicated and passionate individuals they have working on the ground. I loved the chance to experience different parts of Zambia as one of
Trying my hand at Coach Education
my favourite things to do is to wander without purpose or reason, but simply to explore and this I was able to do many times.

It’s crazy that I am now into the last few days and the home straight really is nearly in sight… I guess it’s time to buy my last presents, start saying my goodbyes and treasuring every last moment I have here as before I know it I will be leaving the sun behind and returning to the not so sunny England! 

You can help but stand (or sit) in wonder at this place